The company is strategically oriented toward increasing exports and developing new products that meet the needs of the demanding foreign market, so in the countries of central and eastern Europe, where it has its branches and companies, it's developing and growing.
European export markets
Belupo employees abroad
Today, apart from Croatia, Belupo operates on 18 European pharmaceutical markets. The drive to conquer new markets remains a priority and the only way to continue to grow. In the next period, our strategic goals are the deeper penetration of CEE and SEE markets, especially the CIS countries, more focus on several new groups and further diversification of the current portfolio. In the global structure of the product portfolio, we are planning a turnaround in terms of developing new products and a stronger involvement of OTC products in the overall sales of the regional as well as the global market.
our strategic goals are further penetrating the CEE and SEE markets, especially the CIS countries
The be the most reliable partner on the healthcare journey.
securing competitiveness
Enthusiasm and dedication to work
corporate social responsibility
innovative solutions
With quality as an imperative we create a desirable workplace in a modern organization with open communication that promotes creativity in everything we do.
Razvoj novih proizvoda te povećanje prodaje, kako na domaćem tako i na 18 europskih izvoznih tržišta, strateška su orijentacija svih 1300 Belupovih zaposlenika. Strategija rasta kompanije ostvaruje se kombinacijom organskog i anorganskog rasta – snažnom usmjerenošću na internacionalizaciju poslovanja te jačanje tržišnog udjela u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Zahvaljujući svojem položaju na tržištu, poslovnom pristupu i ponašanju te tehnološkim mogućnostima i proizvodnom potencijalu Belupo je zadobio povjerenje uglednih farmaceutskih proizvođača s kojima ostvaruje raznovrsnu i uspješnu suradnju. Među njima se ističu, Abbott, Pharmathen, Medis, Lupin, Torrent.
Belupo's strength are its employees. Thanks to their enthusiasm, the desire to prove, dedication to work, home loyalty and the balance of experience and youth, Belupo is growing all these years.
S Belupom živi i radi oko 1300 zaposlenika.
Belupo without the skills, knowledge and capabilities of its most educated staff cannot imagine its future. Continuous exchange of experience and acquisition of new knowledge of Belupo's employees on postgraduate studies, seminars, congresses and symposiums across Croatia and Europe is a prerequisite for Belupo's new successes.
Hrvoje Čeović is Chairman of the Management Board and members of the Management board are Tihomir Heđever and Marko Đerek. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board is Martina Dalić, and the members of the Board are Petar Miladin, Davor Doko and Dubravko Barić. The President of the Audit Committee is Davor Doko, and the member is Martina Dalić.
Belupo’s new Chairman of the Management Board Hrvoje Čeović, PhD, spent almost thirty years working in different positions at the U.S. giant Procter & Gamble, including as Sales Director for South and Central Europe, OTC Operations & Pharmacies Director for EMEA, and Vice President for Central Europe from 2014 to 2020.
biography>Tihomir Heđever, M.Econ., was appointed a new reinforcement to the two-man Management Board. Tihomir Heđever joined the company after working at multinational auditors KPMG where he was Senior Manager at the Audit Department.
biography>He started his professional career in 1995 as a researcher in Research institute at Pliva where he worked till 2003.
biography>Martina Dalić, Ph.D., was appointed new President of Podravka d.d. in January of 2021 and will be appointed Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board in Belupo at the next Shareholders' Meeting of the Company.
biography>He was employed at the Law Faculty in Zagreb in 1997 as a junior assistant at the Department for Commercial Law and Companies Law.
biography>In April of 2021, he was elected Chairman of Belupo’s Works Council and employees’ representative on Belupo’s Supervisory Board.
biography>He started his professional career in 2000 in Assets Management department at Zagrebačka banka as assistant portfolio manager, where he participated in founding the company for managing investment funds at Zagrebačka banka.
biography>He started his professional career in 2000 in Assets Management department at Zagrebačka banka as assistant portfolio manager, where he participated in founding the company for managing investment funds at Zagrebačka banka.
biography>Martina Dalić, Ph.D., was appointed new President of Podravka d.d. in January of 2021 and will be appointed Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board in Belupo at the next Shareholders' Meeting of the Company.
biography>We have been manufacturing drugs since 1971. In 1980 we modernized and expanded production with a factory in Koprivnica. In 1999, a 7,000-square-foot facility is built at world standards. 2004 begins a new cream, fat, lotion and gel factory. In 2005, a microbiological laboratory was built. In the 21st century, development did not stop: a cream and gel factory and new markets were opened. 2015 begins construction, and in 2017 manufacturing in a new solid, semi-liquid and liquid drug factory.
Podravka is starting to prepare for pharmaceutical-chemical production ie creates the prerequisites for entering a new strategic business area
We report on business operations and business events in a timely, transparent and continuous manner. We allow quick and easy access to information of interest to the financial community.
In the Pharmaceuticals segment, revenue of HRK 978,4 million was generated in 2020, which is an increase of 2,2 percent compared to the comparable period in 2019.