
The first meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of Belupo



The Scientific Advisory Board of Belupo (SAB), established at the end of 2023, held its first meeting in the vicinity of the new Belupo offices at Radnička 21., Zagreb....

We are honoured to present our associate members, respected experts and scientists who will contribute with their experience and knowledge to new ideas in the field of research and development and the implementation of advanced technologies for development of new Belupo's products. We thank Prof. Branka Marinović Ph.D., Aleksandar Danilovski Ph.D., and Prof Radan Spaventi Ph.D for the presentations and discussion, as well as other involved Belupo members who took opportunity to present Belupo's knowledge and experience. Associate members expertise will contribute in lining Belupo's goals with the latest scientific and regulatory guidelines and the dynamic market demands